Monday: WOD: 10 Min to find 1RM of Back Squat-Rest until min 12 then: 12/10 Calorie Row 10 BBJO (24/20) 7 Min AMRAP
Tuesday: WOD: 10 Min to find 1 RM of Power Clean- Rest until min 12 then: 5 Sets – 1 set every 5 min of: 20 KBS (50/35) 20 WB (20/14) (10’/9′) 50 DU
Wednesday: WOD: 2 Rope Climbs 5 Deadlfits 5R4T
Thursday: WOD: Teams of 3 10 Min to Find 1 RM of Shoulder Press- Rest until min 12 then: 12 TTB 6 Hang Squat Cleans (155/105) 150′ sled push or 30 jumping lunges 5 rounds each; 1 works-2 rest
Saturday: WOD: Teams of 2 12 Banded BMU (purple or less) or 16 Burpee Pull Ups (Synchro) 100/80 Calorie Row or Ski 100 Double Unders ea at same time 9 Banded BMU or 12 BPU 100/80 Calorie Row or Ski 100 Double Unders ea at same time 6 Banded BMU (purple or less) or 9 BPU 100/80 Calorie Row or Ski 100 Double Unders ea at same time