August 29 – September 3, 2022

Monday: WOD:
10 min – 5 sets of 2 Pause Front Squats (75%) (2 second pause at bottom)
Rest 2 min then:
4 BMU or 12 CTB Pull Ups
8 Squat Snatch
7 sets- 1 Every 3 min

Tuesday: WOD:
10 Min- 5 Sets of 2 Pause Bench Press (75%) (2 second pause at bottom)
Rest 2 min then:
10-1 reps
Burpee Dumbbell Deadlifts
10/8 Calorie Row Between Each set and after the 1 rep
for Time

Wednesday: WOD: Teams of 2
21 Thrusters (each)
12 Rope Climbs (split)
15 Thrusters (each)
9 Rope Climbs (split)
9 Thrusters (each)
6 Rope Climbs (split)
for time

Thursday: WOD: Teams of 2
10 Min- 5 Sets of 2 Deficit Deadlifts (2″) (75%)
Rest 2 min then:
15 Synchro Single Arm DB STOH (right arm)
15 Synchro Single Arm DB STOH (left arm)
Partner 1- Run 200 M while Partner 2 – 15/12 Calorie Row
Partner 2 – Run 200 M while Partner 1 – 15/12 Calorie Row

Friday: WOD:
Every 2 Min Complete 12 TTB
then do Power Cleans until 75 Power Cleans are complete
for Time

Saturday: WOD:
5 Sets of 3 Min AMRAP
20 Bench Press
Max Calorie Row in remaining Time