Meet Our Coaches


Mandi Boscamp

You can find Coach Mandi coaching our 5:30am class on Monday and Thursdays or working out every evening during the 5:30pm class. Mandi started CrossFit back in 2015 and a year later She quickly found love for competing in Crossfit competitions. She recently moved to Portland with her dog, Lacey to be closer to her job where she has worked as a Full time machinist for the last 10 years


Brian Hagemann


Dan Willott

Paige Smith

Hailey Riedesel

Coach Hailey started CrossFit in 2014 and is happy to be back with her XLR8 Family. She received her CrossFit Level 1 and CrossFit Kids certifications in 2016 and recently completed her Masters in Kinesiology at TAMUCC. You can always find Hailey coaching multiple classes through out the week including our unloaded classes at 10am Tuesday and Thursdays.

Gina Alaniz Garcia

Molly Gillespie

Coach Molly, aka Mo…..yep, she’s still happy to be here! Believing quality of living has a foundation of feeling good, she is here to help ensure independent longevity and yes that comes with Burpees, falling down and returning to your feet!
Mo started CrossFit in 2007, got her CF Level 1 2008, started CF XLR8 Affiliate in 2009 and CF Kids in 2010. Molly is a full time Medical Dosimetrist in Radiation Oncology and has been for the past 32 years, along with other businesses. She has been married for 32 years, and has two “kids” ages 29 & 23. Nothing feeds her drive more than being witness to individuals discovering just how strong they can be mentally and physically. CrossFit is her tool for self worth and life long lasting relationships!

Jason Gillespie

Matt Gully


Coach Matt spent 24 years moving around the country flying helicopters for the US Coast Guard and began CrossFit in 2014 while living in Jacksonville, Florida. Originally from Texas he couldn’t wait to get back to his home state and moved to Portland in 2021, where he found our XLR8 family. Working out, starting back in High School and Collegiate sports, has always been an important part of his life. He has a daughter in High School and a son in Middle School who both enjoy sports and are starting on their fitness journey as well. He plans to retire from the military in 2024 and hopes to call this gym his home for many years to come. Coach Matt is excited to take the next step as a Coach and thankful for the opportunity to share his knowledge and experience!

Hunter Galloway


Coach Hunter Started CrossFit in 2017 while living in Arizona. Returned to Texas for fire school and continued with CrossFit to keep up his strength and conditioning for his chosen career. Now living and working in Portland Texas, He has been at XLR8 for 3 years now and received his CF-L1 in November of this year. He loves coaching people in all aspects of life and encouraging others to go above and beyond what they think they can mentally and physically do. CrossFit is a lifestyle for all ages and abilities and he loves showing people that. Coach Hunter says to “Just keep moving”!


Jessica Galloway

Coach Jess started CrossFit in 2017 while living in Arizona. She returned to Texas with her family and continued with CrossFit because she loves the community of it and the results that come with it. She has been at XLR8 for 3 years now and received her CF-L1 in November of 2023. She loves coaching people in all aspects of life, especially the CrossFit Kids! Coach Jess encourages others to come try CrossFit out because she knows once they try it they’ll never go back to a regular gym. CrossFit is a lifestyle for all ages and abilities and she enoys showing people that.

Heather Boone


Coach Heather Started Crossfit back in 2013 and immediately found a love for the sport. She has coached at Crossfit gyms before, but became official and got her L1 in 2021. She is a teacher and coach for the Gregory-Portland Wildcats and is mommy to two wild cubs of her own. Coach Heather has an extensive fithess background and knowledge she can’t wait to share with everyone and is so happy to be part of the staff at XLR8!


Justin Horton


 Coach Justin is a native Portlander and moved away for a bit after graduating college from TAMUCC. However, in 2015 while finishing up his doctoral work he took a pastoral position at First Baptist Church here in Portland and moved back in 2016 to raise his family here. Justin has always enjoyed an active lifestyle spending his free time surfing, kayaking, fishing and pretty much anything else that involves coastal outdoor living. While “training” for a long distance relay race (223 miles) in 2017, Justin found Crossfit XLR8 and was quickly captivated with this new “competitive style” community workout environment. The rest, so they say, is history. He completed his CF-L1 as the next step to continue to help support and grow the XLR8 community that has become an integral part of his life.
 Amanda Rodriguez


Coach Amanda grew up in Ingleside and started CrossFit in 2014. She been at CrossFit XLR8 since 2016 and just received her CF-OL1 June 2024. She loves CrossFit because the community, variety, and the motivation to compete. She says CrossFit has allowed her  to push herself to the point where it hurts and say “why do I keep coming back” but the results are worth it! Her least favorite thing is running but has pushed herself this year to choose running over rowing/skiing. She’s excited to be on the other side helping others improve their technique and reach goals like the coaches at Crossfit Xlr8 have done for her.