Monday: WOD: 5 sets:1 Power Snatch + 1 Below Knee PS + 1 Hang PS build to a heavy set in 10 min rest 3 min then: 100 Wall balls 50 MB Sit ups 40 Push Ups 30 Alt. DB Box Step Ups For Time
Tuesday: WOD: 10-12 min to work to heavy of: 1 FS + 1 PP + 1 PJ- then rest until min 15 3 Min AMRAP: 3 Power Cleans; 3 Strict HSPU- rest 3 min 3 Min AMRAP: 6 Power Cleans; 4 Strict HSPU- rest 3 min 3 Min AMRAP; 9 Power Cleans; 5 Strict HSPU
Thursday: WOD: Teams of 2 10 Min to work to heavy Snatch Balance-rest 3 min then 2000/1500 Row/Ski (one will row, one will ski can switch between) 50 Power Snatch 200/1500 Row/Ski (one will row, one will ski; can switch) (ladies (1750/1250) For Time
Friday: WOD: 10 cycles of 3 min 150 M Shuttle Runs (50/50) (25/25) each cycle for time
Saturday: WOD: Teams of 2 80/65 Calorie Ski 40 Burpee Pull Ups 40 Front Squats 80/65 Calorie Ski For Time