Wendesday: WOD: “In Over My Head” HSPU Men-4 Women-2 (Every min on the min) For remainder of each min C&J until 50 C&J are reached: Men’s 135# / Women’s 85#
Thursday: WOD: “Tabata This” Tabata Row (for calories) Squats; Pullups:Pushups; Situps Rest 1 min 8 Cycles of each rotating each min
Friday: WOD: 19.4 3 Rouns of 10 DB Snatch (50/35); 12 Bar Facing Burpees (jump over) Rest 3 Min 3 Rounds of : 10 Pull ups; 12 Bar Facing Burpees (jump over) Total Tme (2 foot take off on burpees)
Saturday: WOD: Team of 2 or individual Cash in & out: 400m Run and 2 rope Climbs WallBalls/Deadlifts/HSPU BBJ overs/Pullups for time…