Monday WOD: “Fran”
Thrusters: Men’s 95# / Women’s 65#
Pull Ups
21-15-9 Reps
…For Time… *Leaderboard*
Rest 3min the run 1 mile
Tuesday WOD:
Hulk Strength Backsquats
Then 11 Burpees
7 C&J: Men’s 95# / Women’s 65#
Wednesday WOD:
Strict or Kipping Pull Ups
Skill & Strength, you pick coaches help
Thursday WOD:
Hulk Strength DBSP
Max Effort 500M Row
100 KBS For Time: Men’s 50# / Women’s 35#
Friday WOD: Girls vs Guys
10 min as many reps as possible. 1 Rep = 1 Pt
1 min of AS
1 min of Burpees
Saturday WOD: “Engine 4 Team”
30 OHS: Men’s 95# / Women’s 65#
30 Burpees
Cone to Cone Wheel Barrow
Team Of 2 – 4 Rounds
Single – HSH or 2 Rounds Bear Crawl