December 27, 2021 – January 1, 2022

Monday: WOD:
5 Sets of 3 OHS
rest 2 min then:
Every 2 min row 15/12 Calories until you complete 60 TTB
rest unitl min 15
every 2 min row 15/12 calories until you complete 60 wall balls
Each Section For Time

Tuesday: WOD:
5 Sets of 3 Push Jerk
rest 2 min then:
40/30 Calorie Ski; 40 Alt. DB C&J
60 Push Ups; 40 Alt. DB C&J; 40/30 Calorie Ski
For time

Wednesday: WOD:
12 Min To find 1RM of both Snatch & C&J
rest 3 min then:
8 Min AMRAP of: 40 DU; 10 DL; 5 St. HSPU
rest 1 min then:
Max Reps in 2 min of BMU
score is total reps

Thursday: WOD: Teams of 2
Row: 1500/1200 M Row (partner holds HSH)
50 C&J (split as needed)
1500/1200 M Row (partner hold barbell in front rack hold)
for time

Friday: WOD: New Year’s Eve- No evening classes
MB Situps; CTB Pull Ups
for time

Saturday: WOD: New Year’s Day 10:00 am ONLY
Hero WOD: CHAD (individual and team options)
1000 Box Step Ups
for time