Monday: WOD: 10 Min – Every 2 min – 3 Back Squats (80%) 5 sets rest 2 min then: 21-15-9 Deadlifts Burpee Pull Ups for time
Tuesday: WOD: 10 Min- Every 2 min = 3 Bench Press (80%) 5 sets rest 2 min then: 3 Sets (1 every 6 min) 250/200 M Row; 20 TTB 250/200 M Row; 20 HSPU 250/200 M Row ea round for time
Wednesday: WOD: EMOM for 10 Min: 5 Power Snatch (ubroken) rest 2 min then: 40/32 Calorie Row 200 Double Unders 40/32 Calorie Row for time
Thursday: WOD: Teams of 2 100 ft. Single DB Lunge (together) 50 Pull Ups (split up) 100 Wall Ball Push Press (20/14) 3R4T
Friday: WOD: 10 Min – Every 2 min- 3 Deadlifts (80% of heavy single) 5 sets rest 2 min then: 1-10 reps of Double DB Front Squats Bar Facing Burpees into 1 RM Clean (squat or power)
Saturday: WOD: Teams of 2 3 Min AMRAP 500/400 M Ski (complete at same time) then max synchronized v-ups rest 90 sec 3 Min AMRAP 1000/800 M Bike (complete at same time) max synchronized box jump overs rest 90 sec 3 Min AMRAP 500/400 M Row max synchronized Alt. DB Hang C&J rest 90 sec 3 Rounds