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Monday: WOD:
10 Min: 5×5 Back Squats (75% of heavy single)
rest 2 min then:
Thrusters; TTB; Calorie Row
for time
Tuesday: WOD:
10 Min: 5×5 Bench Press (75% of heavy single)
rest min then:
1 Rope Climb; 4 Double DB Box Steps; 6 BBJO; 8 Double DB DL
2 Rope Climbs; 8 Double DB Box Steps; 12 BBJO; 16 Double DB DL
4 Rope Climbs; 16 Double DB Box Steps; 24 BBJO; 32 Double DB DL
for Time
Wednesday: WOD:
10 Min: EMOM 5 Unbroken Power Cleans & Push Jerks
rest 2 min then:
12/10 Calorie Ski
15 MB Situps
15 Pushups
Thursday: WOD:
10 Rounds of 2 MIN:
35 Double Unders
2 Wall Walks
then max Front Rack Double DB Carry
score is distance
Friday: WOD:
10 Min: 5×5 DL (75%)
rest 2 min then:
6 rounds of 3 MIN AMRAP
15 Thrusters; 15 CTB
in remaining time max effort burpees
rest 1 min after each round
score is burpees
Saturday: WOD:
400 M Run: 35 MB Situps; 10 STOH
400 M Run: 28 Situps; 10 STOH
400 M Run; 21 Situps; 10 STOH
400 M Run; 14 Stiups; 10 STOH
400 M run; 7 Situps; 10 STOH
for time