November 13- November 18, 2023

All variations and progressions available at CF XLR8
Monday: WOD: The Dundies
Strength: Power Clean
Pistols, Db Hang STOH
Tuesday: WOD: The Scranton Strangler
Strength: Back Squat
Run & Snatches
Wednesday: WOD: I Declare Bankruptcy!
Strength: Strict Press
Row/ski/Bike , Double Unders
Thursday: WOD: Threat Level Midnight
TTB, Snatches, Burpee over Bar
HSPU, Squat Cleans
Friday: WOD: Bears, Beets, Battlestar Galactica
Row, Ski or Bike
Wallballs, DB Box Step overs
Push Jerks
Saturday: WOD:Scooter
Double unders
Pullups, Pushups
Run, Deadlift